This law is formulated for the purpose of standardizing negotiable instrument acts protecting the legal rights of parties concerned in negotiable instrument activities, maintaining the socialist market economy. 为了规范票据行为,保障票据活动中当事人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,制订本法。
The right on a negotiable instrument as used in this Law means the right of a holder to demand from the person liable for the negotiable instrument payment of the sum payable by the instrument, including the right of claim for payment and the right of recourse. 本法所称票据权利,是指持票人向票据债务人请求支付票据金额的权利,包括付款请求权和追索权。
The aim I study the developed nations's negotiable instrument market in my thesis is to to find the law of negotiable instrument market development and to help china's negotiable instrument market development. 本文通过对发达国家票据市场的研究,试图找出其规律,为我国票据市场的发展和完善提供借鉴。
So every regulation in the negotiable instrument law is designed to ensure that the note can be circulated safely and high-efficiently. Many systems of the negotiable instrument, such as short limitation of the negotiable instrument, guarantee of the note, are established based on this tenet. 因此,票据法的宗旨是保障票据安全而高效的流通,其各项制度就是依此来设计的,如票据权利的短时效、票据的无因性、票据抗辩的切断、票据保证等。
Consideration is a concept of Anglo-American law, which is the basis of Anglo-American contract law. Negotiable instruments consideration originated from contract consideration is also an important concept in Negotiable Instrument Law. 对价是英美法中的一个特有的概念,是英美契约法的基石,同时也是英美票据法上的一个重要概念。
The non-causation principle of negotiable instrument is also known as the abstraction principle. Compared to the non-causation principle in civil law, the non-causation principle of negotiable instrument own characteristics manifested in two aspects: connotation and denotation. 票据的无因性也称为抽象性,与民法中的无因性相比,票据无因性有着自身的特点,表现在内涵和外延两个方面。